Research Projects

Reference points are fundamental to most behavioral decision-making. Prior scholarship has shown how reference points, e.g. aspiration …

Decision-making depends on processed information and information processing motivates the impending decision. Although these two …

Maintaining favorable analyst recommendations is important to organizations and their management, as these recommendations provide …

What does a Top-Management Team (TMT) member stand to lose when a strategy s/he has decided upon fails? We argue that whilst …


Apr 2021

Best Paper Nomination

AOM, STR Division

Papers that receive this distinction belong to the top 10% of all submitted manuscripts in the STR division of the AOM 2021 conference.
Oct 2020

Research grant

Google, Alphabet Inc.

Together with Prof. Dr. Stephan Hollander, we received funding from the ’Google Cloud Platform Research Credits Program’. In total, we received 5,000 dollars worth of credits, which we are able to allocate for research purposes.
Dec 2019

Research grant

NWO, The Netherlands

Together with Prof. Dr. Stephan Hollander, we received funding from the ’Computing Time on National Computer Facilities’ grant. This grant provides us with special access to the Dutch national supercomputer (Cartesius) for extensive big data applications.
Dec 2019

Research grant

Google, Alphabet Inc.

Together with Prof. Dr. Stephan Hollander, we received funding from the ’Google Cloud Platform Research Credits Program’. In total, we received 10,000 dollars worth of credits, which we are able to allocate for research purposes.
Sep 2017

CentER Scholarship

CentER, TiSEM, Tilburg University

This scholarship is awarded to excellent students in the CentER program.


  • BSc Internship Supervision

    Tilburg University

    (2021 - Present)

  • Strategy for Pre-master

    Tilburg University

    (2020 - 2021)

  • BSc Thesis Supervision

    Tilburg University

    (2020 - 2021)

  • Projectmanagement IBA

    Tilburg University

    (2019 - 2020)

  • Comparative & Cross-Cultural Management

    Tilburg University

    (2019 - Present)

  • Creative Entrepreneurship

    Tilburg University

    (2019 - 2020)

  • MSc Thesis Supervision

    Tilburg University

    (2018 - 2021)

  • Organisatie & Strategie

    Tilburg University

    (2018 - Present)
